Thursday, July 14, 2011

His dwelling place

God spoke to me this morning. About where He chooses to dwell.

It hit me in 1 Kings - the part where Solomon dedicates the temple to the Lord. Seven years of building. No expense spared. Constructed of stone, paneled in cedar, the inner sanctuary lined with gold. The best man could create for his God.

Yet, absurd. In human terms, it would be like offering the richest person in the world, with access to the best of everything, a one-bedroom, modernized, bungalow. Nice, yes. But still, it doesn't quite compare.

As Solomon prays a prayer of dedication to the temple, he acknowledge "not even the highest heaven" (from the NIV 1984) can contain the Lord. And that's the absurdity which struck me. For God chose Solomon to construct this temple. He chose to put His Name there. The One who created the universe. The One enthroned in majesty in a temple which cannot be constructed by human hands.

And then I realized, He did this same coming-down-on-high thing again. Only this time, He chose a manager.

God is not above humbling Himself when loving and living with His children is at stake. Yet, that still was not close enough. Because what He really is after is our hearts and when He came down to us again that is where He chose to dwell.

If only we would let Him in.

So I would ask, of you and of you know that God is as close to you as your heart? Have you stopped to wonder that He would chose to live in you? Today, I pray that each of us would feel His work in our lives, transforming our hearts into magnificent dwelling places for His presence. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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