Because I love the Five Minute Friday community, I'm going to attempt to participate through this 31 Days and tie Lisa's prompt word to loving deeply. The "regular" 31 Days of Deep Love Diving post follows...Fridays I share a recipe along with the DLD challenges.
Five minutes on "look"
I look in the mirror and I don't always like what I see. The physical mirror can lie about what lies inside.
Sometimes I detest my appearance thinking it does not match the beauty, the joy inside me...mother-tired don't look beautiful except to the One Who Sees the cause for tiredness in the midnight wakings of little ones.
Other times, I like what I see on the outside but it does not match the ugly going on inside...the horrible judgements, thoughts, and foolish pride.
So I am grateful that God is looking at my heart and is helping me to get rid of the things which must go, but loving me all the time.
And I want to love as He does. Love myself as He does. Love others and their hearts as much as the One Who created them can.
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What could be greater than a God who tells us He is the Bread of Life and then chooses to have us remember Him by breaking bread with one another? Personally, I'm eternally grateful He choose to have us remember Him in this way and not with say...brussel sprouts.
Here's a simple bread recipe for you to try. It's a twist on the traditional Irish soda bread which gets top billing every March 17. I made this bread when we celebrated the Canadian Thanksgiving (we celebrate Thanksgiving for both countries...just one of the perks of a "mixed" marriage).
It's especially nice with apple butter (organic of course!) and for sandwich bread featuring this recipe by Angela Liddon of Oh She Glows (one of my favorite go-to vegan recipe sites). Seriously yummy!
Autumn Irish Soda Breaddry ingredients:
3 c. whole grain flour (I used a combination of spelt and oat flours)
3/4 tsp. salt
2 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. cinnamon
1.5 tsp. ground ginger
1/8 tsp. cloves
1/8 tsp. nutmeg
raw pumpkin seeds (optional)
wet ingredients:
1 1/4 - 1 1/2 c. Silk unsweetened soy or almond milk
2 tsp. agave or maple syrup
1/2 c. pumpkin puree (organic is best)
1. Combine dry ingredients in a bowl.
2. Combine 1 1/4 c milk, the sweetener and the pumpkin in a separate bowl and stir until thoroughly mixed.
3. Make a well in the dry ingredients, pour in the wet ingredients and gently stir until just combined. If needed, add more milk.
4. Form into a rounded shape and place on a greased baking sheet or one lined with parchment paper.
5. Bake for about 1 hour at 250 degrees F (I bake at low temperatures but the reason for doing so would take too long to explain. If you're curious why, please email me.
This week I'm learning to love God with all my mind and loving my enemy. Want to join me? Please click here for this week's challenges.
*Images for the Deep Love Diving banners and buttons were courtesy of this site.
stopping by from five minute friday, wonderful post. Yes, my appearance doesn't match how I feel either, we moms over exert ourselves, LOL.
But focusing on God helps me see all the beauty in the world.
Have a great weekend
I'm your neighbor at FMF. I love your take on LOOK and the mirror. Great thoughts that make me glad I'm here.
Stopping by from FMF ...
such a truth you wrote. Oh how sometimes our beauty isn't consistent from the inside out.
Here's to looking closely at ourselves from time to time.
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