Tuesday, February 26, 2013

losing (paper)weight

I've thought of a thousand things to post in these past couple of weeks, but technigrations (my word for technology aggravations) plus time focused on more pressing areas but some deep soul searching leaves little time for blogging. There is a post forthcoming on the recap of the urban mission trip God led me on, but that's a  weightier post worthy of  more mental capacity than I have right now.

Instead, I'm sharing a weight-loss story this week so you can celebrate with me. Because this past week Dave and I lost a ton - possibly two - of weight in paper.

ready for the curb - yipee!
It's part of our campaign to downsize and get rid of all the excess stuff in our lives.

Sure I didn't have to look at it, but just knowing it was there, hanging out in the basement, tucked away in file folders...it weighed me down.

Did you know you can experience great joy in shredding paper? If you haven't tried it, I greatly encourage you to give it a whirl.

Just don't shred the stuff you really need. Like those tax papers from the past seven years. Or any warranties or titles that go with the possessions God gave you. If you aren't sure what to keep and what to shred/recycle, here's a link to a helpful guideline. And you can always check with your accountant and/or lawyer to be sure.

bye bye paper, hello to lighter living .
And if you like, when you've shed the weight, take a picture and come back here with the link to it to let me know and we can celebrate the weight loss together.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very cool! That is no easy task. Congrats to you both. With the military, we move at least every two years. This gives us opportunity to shed some pounds, too. Usually in the way of toys, furniture, books, knick-knacks, and lots of paper! Feels so good to do that purge every two years. We are about to do it again this summer. We have moved three times in the last four years. I am somewhat dreading it, but I know it will feel good once it is complete. People think i am nuts, but I really do feel fortunate to have this routine. I feel for those who remain in a house for a long period of time. We tend to accumulate so much stuff and it does require our "time and energy" even if it is hiding in the basement.