Tuesday, February 21, 2012


 "In repentance and rest is your salvation. In quietness and trust is your strength."

These words from Isaiah 30:15 as rendered in the NIV are ones which often come back to me at times. In other versions of the Bible, "repentance" is sometimes given as "returning."

To turn again to God. To come back from the places strayed and again experience the welcoming light of the Lord.

Tomorrow marks the start of a returning off sorts for me...the returning to life with out blogging (and a few other things). For Lent, I'm giving it up. To relearn what it is to experience life without thinking, "oh, that would make a great blog post," and to rediscover my identity apart from online life. My identity in Christ. The One who I will remember gave His life for me, for us all, 40-some days from now.

It's an opportunity to gain some perspective - God's perspective - on how blogging has positively and negatively impacted my life. To see any areas where idols have popped up - ones that are hard to recognize when you are in the midst of a situation. And I'm hoping it will help me to hear Him more clearly on what He would like me to write about.

So...if you often stop here for a visit, I wanted invite you to do something from now through Easter. Would you consider replacing the 5 minutes or so you usually save for reading what you find here and take that time with God? Sit in silence with Him. Be quiet before Him. Rest in Him. And feel Him restoring your strength and your peace.

And I hope to meet you back here in April.


Unknown said...

Amen, sweet one. I will take that time and give it to God. Covering you in prayer during this time. May it overflow in blessing and rest and quiet.

Courtney said...

I really respect this decision, Andrea. I wrestle with blogging as a passion and a distraction. I will miss your voice here, but encourage your rest :)

Michelle Eichner said...

What a neat thought. And so well-pictured and well-said. God will bless you during this season! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Unknown said...

a return to God...wonderful thought. All the best to you in this quiet season. :)

Dolly@ Soul Stops said...

Praying that God will give you His peace and presence this Lent ...love that verse in Isaiah :) Thanks for sharing.