Tuesday, October 30, 2012

day 30: how love grows your prayers

Last night came "the storm."

Trees waved wildly, power flickered then went out, glass from our second story porch landed on the neighbor's driveway, wind moaned through cracks and crevices, pushed doors open; slammed others shut.

And I rejoiced that even in the worst of storms, we can feel God's peace and know Him to be stronger than the strongest wind and seek Him as our fortress and shelter.

I thanked Him for the inner calm through the storm.

That's a good thing - rejoicing when the world rages around you - but when you dive deeply into love, God begins to expand your horizons and changes your prayers.   

And when you reach the mark of peace that surpasses all understanding, God doesn't leave you there. He moves you to the next step.

He moved me last night.

He reminded me that although I might feel all calm and peaceful and trusting in Him, there are many who don't know Him or whose peace is easily shaken.

And when you are learning to love deeply, suddenly He expands your prayers from focusing on "me and mine" and opens you up to pray for others and think of others in ways you never considered before.

So will you join me in magnified prayer?  Let's ask Him to:
  • Show us how we can help the elderly or homebound when they lose power - perhaps with a meal, extra blankets or bringing them to a place with heat
  • Use His provisions of heat and electricity during winter storms to bless others who have lost theirs
  • Wake the workers who need to get to their jobs, especially if their alarm clocks stop working while they sleep
  • Expand the patience for us all while we are waiting for power to return and give grace to the people who are working to clean up messes and restore electricity
  • Use these storms to help us shine His light and love into the lives of those who do not know Him

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*Images for the Deep Love Diving banners and buttons were courtesy of this site.

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