Tuesday, July 28, 2015

bullet journaling

flashback to may: School was winding down, summer vacation was coming up and I wondered about the direction of my life...how I would balance my creative bent that refuses to be ignored with raising four arrows.

And then an email popped up from Crystal at Money Saving Mom with an announcement for a "Make Over Your Mornings" online course. It seemed like an answer to prayer.

Truth: I still have a few days to go before I finish this two-week course (and I started it at the end of May!), but one of my favorite suggestions Crystal shared is to use a bullet journal to set goals and write them down.

Where has this been all my life?

snapshot of a couple pages from my journal

I've used calendars and Franklin planners and so many notebooks and random paper scraps, but the bullet journal pulls all of it together in one place. Not perfectly (I'll probably still keep a calendar for planning out appointments for the year), but finally I have one place where I can keep my goals and to dos with books I want to read, movies worth watching again and recipe ideas for my food blog.

And since I began to write down my goals and the projects I want to accomplish and plan out my day, I find I work my way toward balancing the creative with the everyday practical.

It's my way of running into time.

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