Saturday, June 25, 2011

painting the town

This week we were blessed with an abundance of fun things to do - especially welcome after more than a week of sickness for 5 out of 6 of us. :)

Wednesday and Thursday morning I took the kids to our local arts center to participate in a couple of children's programs on the Civil War which was part of a 5-day free historical program visiting our community. They got to learn about the life as a solider and participate in a number of circle games and songs which are part of the fabric of African-American culture. I love when we can take advantage of educational opportunities during the summer - vacation homeschooling at its best!

In the evening, we headed to the red tent for Civil War-era music and some amazing performances by actors portraying key figures in the Civil War.

Today we headed to the strawberry patch. Yummy red organic berries quickly filled our buckets. Brie was motivated to get her bucket filled to the brim. Reese was more interested in inspecting the berries and kept chucking out the ones that didn't pass muster until we out the kabosh on that activity. ;)


This is the first time we had visited that farm - I discovered it on Visit the link if you also delight in picking your own produce and want to find a nearby location in your area.

We ended up with 3.5 gallons of strawberries, most of which are now in the freezer, some are waiting to be snacked upon, and the others will be put to good use in strawberry shortcake (an IOU Father's Day gift to Dave since I was still under the weather last week).

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