Tuesday, October 18, 2011

found (updated - see bottom of post)

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now am found
Was blind, but now I see
Lora from eager hands paired these familiar verses with this necklace she created and was offering as a giveaway.

It struck a chord with me, so I entered the giveaway.

Like John Newton, this is my story of faith. I was lost and blind, though I didn't know it.  To my then-aethiest mind, I thought I was doing quite well, and wasn't worried about my salvation...I carried with me the "assurance" that even if there was a heaven, I was bound to get in because I was basically a good person.

Does this sound familiar? Maybe you don't carry around the belief yourself, but perhaps someone you know and love carries it with them.

But, oh, wrong it is.

And as hard (and to some ears, harsh) as this sounds, the only way we can be saved is through our faith in Jesus Christ.

Coming to God does not come through our own "goodness." It does not come with serving people like Jesus did...caring for the poor, healing the sick, welcoming all those who came to Him. It does not even come with reading the Bible, knowing every word and following it to the letter.

Salvation is a choice of the heart. It comes with believing some crazy story about God coming into this world as a baby, born in the lowliest of circumstances, growing into adulthood, then choosing to die in the most painful way possible in His time and then coming back to life after three days.
I struggle with believing this myself sometimes...mostly the "why Jesus dying and coming back to life part is how God chose to save the world" part.

I also struggle with the grace part. After living more than two decades of my life of believing what I did or did not do determined whether I was a "good girl," I find it hard to stop trying to earn my salvation. It's why I chose to name my etsy shop, Saved by Grace Designs, because every time I see the name, I am reminded of this verse:

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9 NIV emphasis mine)


I also need God's continual reminders that He chose to give me sight and recognize my lostness. Which is why I'm excited the He chose to gift me Lora's necklace!

If, like me, you or someone you love needs a reminder of God's thoughts toward you, check out Lora's shop (and her blog) to see her amazing creations. I love knowing too that she prays over each one.

UPDATE: For all of you reading this post, Lora is offering a 15% discount for one week (through October 24, 2011) if you make a purchase from her etsy shop. Just enter FOUND in the coupon code. Thank you Lora!!!

And, if you aren't sure about this Jesus-thing or the other things of faiths I mentioned, I would be happy to dialogue with you...just leave a comment or send me an email: hungerandthirst(at)live(dot)com.

1 comment:

Lora said...

thank you so much for your kind words, andrea! i am so blessed. i prayed before i drew the name for the giveaway that that winner would be someone that God wanted to remind that He has found them and they are His! so, i think it's so awesome that you won, especially now knowing your story! God is so good. :) lora